Trusted accounts.For everyone.


Like so many others, our founders escaped a struggling economy.We work for a world in which everyone has access to a trusted account.


Meet the team behind nsave

nsave is on a mission to democratise safe and secure financial services for all.

Coming from companies such as Morgan Stanley, Revolut, Robinhood, Microsoft, EY, BNYM,, and many others, the team has experienced financial exclusion firsthand, and is driven by a strong desire to empower its users and to make financial services more inclusive.

Join us as we shift the financial sector from exclusion to action.

This is your story and ours.

We’re honoured to have you.

nsave team

This website is operated by nsave SA, a Swiss financial intermediary affiliated to the self-regulatory organisation “Organisme de Surveillance pour Intermédiaires Financiers & Trustees” (SO-FIT). nsave SA is authorised to accept public deposits operating in the framework of the sandbox defined in the Swiss Banking Ordinance. nsave SA does not provide interest bearing accounts and is not supervised by the Swiss financial market supervisory authority FINMA. nsave SA is not a “bank” nor a “person” pursuant to Article 1a or 1b of the Swiss Banking Act and does not benefit from any deposit insurance scheme. Copyright © 2024 nsave SA. All rights reserved.

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